Last Wednesday was my birthday. I didn't plan to bake a cake for myself initially as I wanted to chill and relax on that special day. However there was a sudden urge to bake that morning as I was craving for baked cheesecake! I immediately took out Carol's baking book and adpated her Lemon cheesecake (which I had bookmarked and on my to-bake list) to bake myself a Key Lime Cheesecake since I still had some Key Limes left after baking the Key Lime Meringue Tart for my blog's 1st anniversary the week before.
I quickly got down to baking it and chilling it before setting off for my birthday lunch treat from my best friend, Grace at Daniel Boulud Bistro (a nice french restaurant by celebrity Chef Daniel Boulud) located at Marina Bay Sands. Came home around evening to decorate it with some whipping cream and fresh blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. Love the cake for its great taste!
Both of us were really filled up with the above 6 courses! The DB signature sirlon burger filled with braised short ribs and Foie Gras served on Parmesan bun is a must try! |
This tutorial video is done using an iphone with one hand filming and taking photos while working with the other.
è¿èç³çè§é¢,æ¯æä¸æåèç³,ä¸æç¨iphoneæçå½å½±åç §ç。
Key Lime Classic Cheesecake
éæ ä¹³é ªèç³
(recipe adapted from è¡æ¶æ¶’s‘ççæ°æå¿ å¤ç第ä¸æ¬ä¹¦’)
Recipeé£è°± :(for an 8 inch round mould with removable base 8åå离å¼å模1个 )
A: Base Crust
Digestive Biscuits 70g (I used 110g, about 8 pieces)
Unsalted Butter 35g (I used 40g)
1.5 tbsp caster sugar (I omitted)
æ¶å饼干 70g (æç¨110g, 大æ¦8ç)
æ ç奶油35g(æç¨40g)
ç»ç ç³1.5大å (æ没æ¾)
Method æ¥éª¤:
1. Use double boiling method to melt unsalted butter. (I melt the butter directly over my Brandt induction hob.)
1。å°æ ç奶油éæ°´å çèå。 (æç´æ¥å¨Brandtçµç£çä¸æº¶å。)
2. Put the digestive biscuits in a plastic bag, use a rolling pin to crush it up finely before adding sugar. (I used my U-blender to blend it to get a finer texture and have omitted the sugar.)
2.æ¶åé¥¼å¹²è£ å¨åçå¡è¶è¢ä¸,ç¨æ©é¢æ£æ²æ,åçè¶ç¢è¶å¥½,åå å ¥ç»ç ç³æ··ååå。(æç¨æ ææºæ ç¢,è´¨ææ´ç»。æä¹æ²¡å ç³。)
3. Mix the melted butter and crushed digestive biscuits together.
3.å°èåçæ ç奶油å å ¥é¥¼å¹²ç¢ä¸ä»ç»æ··ååå。
4. Pour the biscuit crumbs into the cake pan, press firmly onto the base of the pan.
4.å°æ··å好ç饼干ç¢åå ¥èç³æ¨¡ä¸,å©ç¨ä¸ä¸ªå¹³åºç容å¨å°é¥¼å¹²ç¢åå®。 (ä¸å®è¦ç¡®å®åç´§, è±æ¨¡æä¸ä¼æ¾æ£æ)
5. Bake in a preheated oven 120 degrees Celcius for 10 minutes before taking out to cool down. (Do not remove the biscuit base crust from the pan.) (I selected the traditional function for my Brandt oven)
5.æ¾å ¥å·²ç»é¢çè³120度cçç¤ç®±ä¸çç¤10åéåååºæ¾å。(ä¸è¦è±æ¨¡)
B: Cheesecake
a - cake batter:
450g cream cheese
20g caster sugar
4 egg yolks
50g heavy whipping cream (I used whipping cream of 38% dairy fat)
40g unsalted butter
40g low gluten flour (I used top flour, can be replaced by cake flour)
Zest from 1 lemon (I used key lime zest)
Juice from half a lemon (I used juice from one key lime)
1 tablespoon Cointreau (I omitted it)
b - meringue part:
4 egg whites
1 teaspoon lemon juice (I used key lime juice)
60g caster sugar
B:ä¹³é ªèç³
a - é¢ç³é¨ä»½:
å¥¶æ²¹ä¹³é ª 450g
ç»ç ç³ 20g
èé» 4个
å¨ç©æ§é²å¥¶æ²¹ 50g
æ ççæ²¹40g
æ 檬ç®å± 1个 (æç¨éæ å±)
æ 檬æ±åé¢ (æç¨1é¢éæ æ±)
å度æ©é 1大å (æ没æ¾)
b -èç½éé¨ä»½:
èç½ 4个
æ æª¬æ± 1è¶å (æç¨éæ æ±)
ç»ç ç³ 60g
Preparation äºååå¤å·¥ä½:
1. Cream cheese softened slightly at room temperature or softened using a microwave oven, cut into small pieces.
1。å¥¶æ²¹ä¹³é ªæ¢å¤å°å®¤æ¸©ç温度,æç¨å¾®æ³¢çç¨å¾®å ç软ååæå°å。
2. Separate the egg whites and yolks carefully, ensuring that the egg whites do not have any traces of egg yolk or in contact with water or oil. (Suggest that you separate the eggs in a smaller bowl first, ensure no traces of egg yolk is found in the egg white before transferring to a bigger stainless steel mixing bowl. The slightest trace of egg yolk will cause the meringue to be unsuccessful. )
2。ä»å°ç®±ååºå°èé»èç½å°å¿åå¼。èç½ä¸å¯ä»¥æ²¾å°èé»,水份åæ²¹è。 (建议å鸡èçæ¶åé½å åå¨ä¸ä¸ªå°ç¢ä¸,ç¡®å®æ²¡ææ²¾å°èé»ææ¾å ¥é¢çä¸,ä¸ç¶åªè¦ä¸é¢æ²¾å°èé»,å ¨é¨çèç½å°±æä¸èµ·æ¥äº)
3. Sift the low-gluten flour.
4. Melt the butter using bain-marie method or microwave oven.
4.ç¨éæ°´å çææ¯å¾®æ³¢çç¨å¾®å çå°æ ç奶油èå。
5. Extract the juice and zest from the lemon. (I used key lime)
5.å°æ 檬1é¢å¤ç®ç£¨åºç®å±,æ¤åºåé¢æ 檬æ±。(æç¨éæ )
Method æ¥éª¤:
1. Use an electric mixer to mix the cream cheese and sugar together until light and fluffy.
1。å°å¥¶æ²¹ä¹³é ª+ç»ç ç³ç¨æèå¨ææä¹³éç¶。
2. Add the followings in this order - egg yolk, whipping cream, low-gluten flour, lemon/key lime zest, lemon/key lime juice, Cointreau, unsalted butter. (mix each addition of ingredient well before adding the next ingredient.)
2。ä¾åºå°é¸¡èé»,å¨ç©æ§é²å¥¶æ²¹,ä½çé¢ç²,æ 檬ç®,æ 檬æ±,å度æ©é , æ ç奶油å å ¥å¥¶æ²¹ä¹³é ªä¸æ æåå。(æ¯ä¸æ¬¡é½è¦æ æååæå ä¸ä¸æ ·。)
3. Use an electric mixer, beat the egg whites in medium speed, add in the lemon juice and half amount of sugar at foamy stage. Add the other half amount of sugar at soft peak stage and using high speed to beat till stiff peak.
3。èç½ç¨æèå¨å æåºæ³¡æ²«,ç¶åå å ¥æ 檬æ±å1/2éç»ç ç³ç¨ä¸éæ æ泡沫å¼å§åç»è´æ¶å°±å°å©ä¸çç»ç ç³å å ¥,é度å¯ä»¥è°æ´ä¸ºé«é.å°èç½æå°æ¿èµ·æèå¨å°¾å·´åç°æºç«çç¶æå³å¯。
4. Use a silicon spatula to fold the meringue into the cream cheese mixture until well combined.
4。èç½éåå 次ç¨æ©¡ç®æ¬å轻轻æ æå ¥å¥¶æ²¹ä¹³é ªé¢ç³ä¸è³åå。(ç¨æ©¡ç®æ¬åç±ä¸èä¸ç¿»è½¬åæçæ¹å¼)
5. Pour the mixture into the cake pan wrapped with two layers of aluminium foil on the exterior base.
5。å°æ æååçä¹³é ªé¢ç³åå ¥æ¨¡å ·ä¸。å¨å离模å¤é¢å ä¸2å±é¡ç®çº¸,ä½æ¯ä¸å®è¦ç¡®å®é¡ç®çº¸æ²¡æç ´。
6. Place the cake pan on a bigger baking pan/tray, fill up the bigger tray with hot water, avoid adding more water in between baking as the opening of oven door may caused the cake to collapse due to changes in temperature.
6。模åæ¾æ¾å ¥å¤§ç¤ç, 大ç¤çä¸å°½éå满çæ°´,é¿å ä¸éå æ°´èå¼ç¤ç®±ä½¿å¾å·ç©ºæ°è¿å ¥è®©èç³å¡é·。
7. Bake in preheated oven 180 degrees Celcius for 10 minutes before lowering the temperature to 140 degrees Celcius and bake for another 60 minutes. Use a skewer to test, cake is done when skewer comes out with slight crumbs instead of watery batter.
7。æ¾å ¥å·²ç»é¢çè³180度cçç¤ç®±ä¸çç¤10åé,ç¶åå°ç温è°å°140度C继ç»çç¤60åé。竹ç¾æµè¯åªè¦æ²¾é»çç¶åµä¸æ¯æ¶²ä½å°±è¡¨ç¤ºçäº, æä¸äºæ£çç»ç»æ²¾ç²æ¯æ£å¸¸ç。
8. Remove from oven, cooled down completely before chilling the refrigerator for 3~4 hours before unmoulding it.
8。ç¤å¥½åååº(è¿ä¸è¦è±æ¨¡)å®å ¨åéå°±æ¾å°ç®±å·è3-4å°æ¶。
9. After chilled, use a small flat knife, run around the edges of the cake pan for easier unmoulding.
9。å®å ¨å°éç¨ä¸ææå¹³å°å延çæ¨¡å ·è¾¹ç¼åä¸åå³å¯è±æ¨¡
10. Use a long blade thin knife, heat it over the fire on the gas store to cut the cake neatly. (Clean the knife before heating over the fire after cutting each piece. )
10。åçæ¶åç¨ä¸æç¨å¾®å®½é¿çèå, å¨ç¦æ¯çä¸å çåååæä¼åçæ´é½。(æ¯åä¸åé½è¦å°åæ¦å¹²ååå çæå。)
Personal Notes å°ç¬è®°:
There are some slight cracks on the surface of the cake after baking, will lower the temperature to 150 degrees the next time when I bake this cake. èç³è¡¨é¢ç¨å¾®æäºè£,ä¸æ¬¡åå,ä¼æ温度è°ä½å°150ææ°åº¦。
This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Bake for Happy Kids and My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Diana from Domestic Goddess Wannabe.
This post is also linked to the event Cook Your Books #15 organised by Joyce of Kitchen Flavours.
“It takes time and effort to compose or translate recipes, I would appreciate it if you do not copy and pass it off as your own recipe. If you wish to share or adapt any of the recipes that I have posted in this blog, please provide a link to the relevant post here. Thank you.”
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